Mike went back to work on Wednesday so Owen and I have been getting used to having the day to ourselves and I have been getting used to multitasking even more so than before. I went to the grocery store the other day and he was awesome until about 1 block from the house and he woke up screaming and hungry. Needless to say the groceries were left in the car for a bit until I was able to subdue him enough to get them and throw the parishables in the fridge (not on the correct shelves mind you...thought I would throw that one in for you mom and dad!) It was a bit tricky getting everything put away! I think it was about 3 hours later when Mike got home and the food to go in the cubbord was still strewn out all over the table and floor! There were little trails of our progress since we made it home. The carseat on the floor in the middle of the room. a pillow and burprag on the couch, dirty clothes on the changing table, groceries all over the place...Owen and I sacked out on the bed! What a day!

We also went to our first "mommy and me" day. The gilrs were absolutly adorable but quite a bit older. This is Indy and Olive. Olive was a total chunk, this picture does not show it troo well but her thighs were probably the size of my calf. Her cheeks were so tubby and sooo cute. I think I may try out another group that has at least 3 "newborns" so it may be a bit more fun for us and we can compare more closely what they are doing etc....
Yesterday I went out to Beaverton to hang out with Cory

and went to the Farmers Market there. That was a blast. It is always nice to support the local farmers and enjoy the last bits of fall before the rain starts.
Back when Mom was in town there was a Pirate Festival and Mike took his daughter Betheny to check out the festivities.

This is them in their garb! This photo was taken at Lily Toads which is the store that I will hopefully be working at. She just opened and sells locally made clothing and children/maternity paraphanelia (sp?) She has a play area, changing table and crib set up so it is very Owen friendly.
I currently hane a sleeping Owen in my arms and typing one handed is getting a bit annoying so later for now!
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