Here is my crazy cat. It was bath time and she thought she would join us. We have a spray bottle to spray her when she is "bad" or "too crazy" but the problem is is that she likes water. So it isn't very effective!

Then of course the spoiled sausage dog! No wonder she is over weight!That's okay I still love her.

Owen likes to sleep with his blanket over his head. At first it scared me but he just keeps pulling it back over his face! I wonder who he gets that from? I often find myself like a turtle all snug in my shell.
Then there is the buddah baby! With no prompting he was sleeping like this. How cute is he? "OOOHHMmmm"
Owen is sleeping very well and I have got alot more to do than just update this here old blog so enjoy for now. I will be back soon, I truly promise!
Until then, to your health!