Owen got his first boo boo this morning :( he was lying in his boppy pillow and I went to get a hat for him. Henrietta was terrorizing the house and ran across his forehead with claws engaged. He started screaming so loud that I knew something was "wrong" and he had a bit of blood pooled on his forehead. It was so sad.

This is Finley living the "Rough life" Doesn't life just suck?
Pretty fly for a white guy! I put Owe

it looks like finley's life has not changed much! give owen's boo-boo a kiss for me! any time you hear a scream of pain form your child a pang of fear always follows!! hopefully you wob't hear that cry for a long time!! (:
love ya - jennifer
OK>>>>THAT"S IT!! I'm coming to get him! you can have henrietta....but i'm taking owen...
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