It is very handy for your mother to be a photographer but I am definitly going to miss her being so close. It's kindof funny that the last few days I have not taken any pictures of Mr. Owen and all I could do before was take pictures of him...I promise not to let that become a habit(mother). Last night was the first night that lil man had me up every 2 hours. Today was a bit rough. I knew I was a bit spoiled with the whole sleeping 5 hours and all I was just hoping it would last a bit longer. Mike is going back to work in the a.m. so tomorrow is

Are these wrinkles not the cutest thing ever? During this photo shoot I got peed on, pooped on and spit up on each at least one time. I just kept saying that it is a good thing that he came out of my body and I love him other wise I would be pretty grossed out by it.
hello beautiful momma! owen is truly gorgeous!! you will be sooooo happy later to have all these amazing pics. digital is a wonderful age for us mommas! i am very happy i have this technology to see your little man from all the way accross the counrty!! i still miss you and i very much wish i could hold him! hopefully i;ll see you before he is to big to cuddle!!! i love you - jennifer
I'm sure you DO miss us!! I (WE) miss you so much...i knew it would be hard to have you across the country, and i knew it would be hard to have a grandbaby clear across the country...but THIS IS BAD!! i REALLY miss you guys terribly! it's been really hard for me to get back into the swing of things...so i can only imagine how hard it is for you and mike and owen to get into a routine!
i figure a trip every couple of months should fix the problem of being across the country!!!! and the plane DOES fly BOTH ways!! so that will mean you will have to come this way some of those times! everyone here wants to meet the newest member of the family!! i am so glad to be able to follow owens developement on your blog and am glad you are keeping it updated, even though it is hard to get the time..who needs sleep anyway? it's overrated!! LY!!!! CATCH YOU LATER....MOM... ps...get some zzzzzzzzzzzz's
hello again! i just had to agree with grandma bobbie, we need you to come home atleast a few times a year!!i would like owen to know who i am!! jennifer
well that is all fine and dandy but there is the cost issue of flying home. I would be glad to come home every couple of months but...there has to be funding for it!
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