My friends Becky and Earl came over the other evenin

I do not dress Owen in many clothes normally because babies are just too cute with no clothes on(until they make a mess all over you because of the no clothes thing...) But his Aunt Kelly gave him this really cute outfit and although the pants are still huge on him they are pretty cute. Unfortunatly the shirt is still huge on him but the outfit is adorable. It is from Gymborie and the print on the shirt and matching socks is a moose, pine trees and a tent. For now all he can wear are the pants and he just looks like a little man in them. What is

This guy has more cute clothes than I do. We were really fortunate when we inherited clothes because everything we got was boys clothes. Literally. After he was born I went through the clothes and discarded the girls clothes and it was seriously like 5 item of clothing. If I had a girl she would be wearing alot of blue! But thanks to all who contributed to his wardrobe! We have alot of clothes that range all the way up to a year. Although I am quickly learning how many blankets and items of clothing you go through a day. I think that maybe you can say that you never have enough. I do not know how some folks raise a baby without a washer and dryer. I do not think it could be feesible.
Owen has a new look all of a sudden and I have not caught it on camera fully yet but this is almost it. He h

Yes we will. I'm thinking pumpkin soup...eh?
Lookin' good, mama.
Hi Amy! This is Gary from B.I.! Your mom sent me the link to your blog and I've forwarded it to Carol. Owen is a beatiful boy! I know you must be proud and stoked, and busy! You'll have to bring Owen in some Sunday night when you're in town. We miss you!
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