Saturday, October 06, 2007

Friday, October 05, 2007

More pics from our midwest trip

Not sure what to say, but here area few pics! Enjoy

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

the whirl wind we call life

So, our trip was good. Now we are back. The end. Just kidding, of course. there is much more to It than that. I will gradually catch everyone up on the last month. Owen is walking, running and talking now. No more leisure time. He is a very busy boy, with no fear at that! That means I am on call 24/7.
So as soon as we got home from our trip I went to work "full time". Which is great. Leslie at

Lily Toad offered me "manager". which means more hours basically. A few more responsibilities too but a wonderful opp. I take Owen in with me and get experience running the show. So I have had no down time. Here are just a few pics from our trip.