Thursday, December 14, 2006

travelin today

Owen and I are off to the mid-west today. I want to appologize in advance if I do not keep posted while away. I am sure I will but mom does not have high speed internet so it will only be updated when we take her computer to the coffee shop. So sorry to those who will not be seeing Owen in the next couplle of weeks. I wish for everyone to meet him but I know it is not feesible on this trip. (Jaymz :} :{ ...I still love you)
Just a couple of picvtures to show off today. There will be plenty when I get to moms! I made Owen a hat...with ear flaps! I am quite proud it turned out. And the flaps are in the right spot and it fits!!!! He has really started grabbing things and the other day he got his toy all on his own! Good man, starting to entertain himself.
I was really impressed the other night when I took Owen's trash out and in two weeks he only generates one little bag of trash the size of a diaper. His trash is even biodegradeable so i nees to figure out a routine ans not throw it away in a plastic bag. I use a diaper genie for his wipes and stuff. Maybe I just need to untie the knot and dump it out of the bag. I just thought I would share with you all how proud that I am we are not filling the landfills with his diapers!

For the first time ever I have gotten my Christmas Cactus to bloom! Yeah! Isn't it purdy!

What else...Finley is just a ham! Isn't she spoiled?! Thanks Staci for wathching Finners. Have fun, make room on the couch.

Henrietta fell in the tub the other day while I waqs running bath water for Owen! She is such a goof. I am totally afraid of what she is going to do to the house while we are gone. She terrorizes it while we are here what about when she is bored and alone? Thanks Jess for tending to the kitties, there is a card for you on the table.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

nothing too exciting

Well I am a complete dodo and erased the wrong memory card just now. Luckily there was nothing too important on it I just have to wait until tomorrow to take another picture of the awesome hat that I made Owen. I actually got really creative and made ear flaps and a tie that goes under the neck! The only other thing on the card was another picture of Owen flipping me off. It was a cute picture but it seems that it is going to be a common occurace so no big deal.
Here are a few of the ones that I managed to salvage. I went out to dinner with Staci and Stephanie the other night and Staci dressed Owen while I got ready...(sorry Staci but I had to do it! It is too funny.) During dinner Owen woke up and guess what...his pants were on backwards! I think she jinxed me because later that evening I almost put them on backwards myself!
I am curious why in the picture here there are Grateful Dead dancing bears as the "baby" . I think it a bit odd. It was a strange changing table all in all. Maybe that is why it grabbed my attention so much. Mike and I went and had Etheopian food last week and the changing table was chest high. It was a really odd angle to change a baby at. At least they had one in their janky bathroom. There was not even a door to the bathroom just a half-assed curtain hanging in the doorway. While I was changing Owen the owner practially walked in on us. It was the first of many strange changing circumstances to come I am sure.