Thursday, October 12, 2006

smiles? or gas?

Owen finley and I took a walk to Pier Park yesterday and hung out under the very large Douglas Firs. It was fun to watch Owen checking out the sun through the leaves of the trees. I think I got a picture of him at the beginning of a smile...but he did poop shortly after so it may have been gas! I think that he is really starting to smile though. We were in the bath this morning and he gave me a huge smile. We were having such a great time and I think it was a real display of emotion. (I was waiting for the explosion and messy bath from the smile but since it did not was real!)

It is such a hoot to be able to hang out with my son all day long and get to experience him fully. I really can not stop looking at him and how perfect he is. We have only had one really grumpy day so far. I was really happy when Mike got home from work so I could do the hand off and have a bit of "me time"

I am not exaggerating when I say that Henrietta loves this lil man. I missed the shot of her hanging out on the boppy with him but I am sure I will get it soon! I woke the other morning to Henrietta licking Owens head. Owen was totally fine with it too! I got a clip of it on my phone that I am going to try to figure out how to post on the blog. Once we get a digital video camera it will be so much more fun for all ya all to view the blog and actually see this boy in action. So...if anyone wants to pitch in for one...! That was very sly of me huh?!

This picture is just for fun! BIG YAWN!

We had a WIC appointment today and Owen was wonderful and peed on the nutrition specialist! I thought it was funny although I felt bad. Luckily she was well humored and probably gets it all the time! She did not believe at first that this was my first child because I was "too calm" for my first! I thought that was a great compliment. Owen now weighs 10lbs 11oz and is 22 inches long...can you believe he has gained 3 lbs in 4 weeks. I am going to cry. Next thing you know he will be 18!

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