Wednesday, January 03, 2007

back on track

Well the holidays are over!!! How thankful am I?! VERY! I think Owen is too. He seems to be glad to be back in his space. I packed my card reader in the box that we shipped so I am unable to upload any photos. Sorry all. You have had to wait this long you will have to wait a bit longer. He met so many folks over the Holidays. Lots of pictures to go through. Some cuties that my mom took as well. (Sleepin' santa, just a glimpse of what to look forward too!)
Owen traveled very well, for the most part. There was an ugly incident towards the end of the travels but I will go into that later.
He has started teething. ALREADY :( He is doing fairly well with it so far. I can not believe he is only 31/2 months. WOW. We are starting him on cereal in the very near future. I want to wait until we get a highchair. Definitly will post pictures of that experience!