Tuesday, May 27, 2008

indoor chickens?

the chickens have become quite brave here today. they are starting to try to come inside! then owen and mike started feeding them crackers at the back door. can you say WISE MOVE! There is one picture where owen is pointing and kickin them out. We have also learned that they like my hostas :( they are eating away at them.

yogurt art

so i had to get an email out and gave owen some yogurt while i did so. i knew it was going to be a mess when i got back because he was so quiet. (The sacrifices we make in order to get things dome!)


we have been busting some serious booty in our yard the last few weeks. now it is time to sit back and enjoy. (of course all the weeding and watering in the mean time) but here are a few recent pics. i am so bad about taking before and after shots. but it's a huge improvement.
there are some pics of the new chickens and our new composter set up and what else...oh yeah, i keep finding cool things in the yard. the gnomes are the coolest by far. (although mike hates them!)