Saturday, September 02, 2006

last thursday

So...this is the first posting of the blog...It is Sept. 2nd and I am glad they moved the due date back th the 3rd! I really do not feel like I am going to have this critter any day!! I was expecting to be late anywho but since they moved it back to the 3rd that allows 5 more days before they induce labor! I hope that it does not come down to that though!

I have been having alot of fun with momma. She got in town on the 28th and we have been keeping quite busy. We went to a street art festival called Last Thursday. It is where all the freaks of Portland come out! (a great place to take your mom when she is in town!) Went to see some music last night, have gone on some hikes and walked alot!!

I had a midwife appointment the other day and all is well. It is just down to waiting for the little munchkin to descide it is the right time. It is rather boring just waiting around. My last day at the Cafe was Saturday so if it were not for my mom being here I would be bored out of my mind! The week before I was going to the movie and seeing movies I did not even want to see just because it was something to do! At least now I can entertain my momma!