So I have recently decided that I hate( absolutly despise) strollers. I think there is an art to mastering them and opening doors and getting through those open doors without running into them and getting stuck in them! Slings are so much nicer for baby and mom!
The other kicker is carseats...why in the world are they so awkward and bulky? They could at least make them so they rest on your hip or do not knock you in the knee when you try to carry them. They weigh at least as much as your child so you are carrying about 20lbs. when it is all said and done. Rediculous.

Okay, I feel better! Well actually I hate it when I finally get Owen down and the mail man comes. Since Finley learned how to be a real dog from my last roommates dog she now has to bark at the mail man! So in turn wakes up lil man.

Speaking of sleeping (mom this is for you) I have been so proud of my lil man. He has no problems going to sleep all on his own. I will lay him down in his bassinet and turn the mobile on and as long as he is "happy" he will lay there and just let his eyes get heavy and poof he is out! My mom and dad accused me of "spoiling" him and not letting him go down on his own so I put myself to the test. He is not spoiled, just loved!
I do not have any pictures of the lil man to add today yet but this is the cat scratcher that Mike built for Henrietta in hopes to save my furniture and Owens head!
For some reason it is not letting me upload pictures so i will try to get to it next nap time!
Car seats are completely unnecessary. They are an invention of evil republican fascists to control the urge of kids to move. Just another example of the goverment trying to keep you down and immobile.
My parents never used a car seat, and heck, look at me, just a moderate amount of brain damage.
As far as strollers are concerned, if the little guy cant roll, wiggle, walk or cry till someone carries him, then he should not be going anywhere. Darwinism and all that.
You are being to easy on this kid! I suppose you are still breast-feeding him also!
Remember, be careful what you ask wanted comments on your blog. Luv ya!and the little tyke too.
hello momma- i agree, strollers and car seats suck!! that is precisely why i bought a sling! i too ahd the new native baby sling, and i still think it was one of the best baby buys!!! just know these are just the begins of you despising some piece of plastic!! good luck with the battle of the accessories! this makes me wonder . . . mommas adn babies survived without all the accessories & technologies of today, how much of the baby stuff and camera monitors do we really need?
well, anyway, you're doing beautifully!!! love you and lil'man - jen
Sometimes you just want to save your back and be totally free of baby on your body. It is hard to sit and write or lean against a table when you have about a foot of baby in front of you...sometimes reminds me of being pregnant.
Sorry Finley learned her bad habits from my Lily. She just wants to be heard too.....I glad she found her voice even though it disturbs the lil man. He is soooo beautiful, good job growing him Amy. I love you guys.
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