This is in the top 5 favorite faces that my lil' man makes. It is one of those that is so sad it is cute! He is usually having too much fun to really be upset but he thinks he should be upset so he starts to pout..and this is the out come!

About two seconds before this was his expression...

and about two seconds after was this expression. So when he makes the pouty face I can not help but laugh!
We have had a lot of fun the last couple of days. He has been alert more and having alot more fun in between the screams and feedings. We are still trying to get in a good sleeping routine. He never sleeps the same two days in a row. I guess that is normal but it is hard to get into a pattern that works for both uf us. I almost got a necklace done today during one of his naps. I just never know if he is going to sleep for 3 hours or 20 minutes. I guess that is how they keep you on your toes! I think that Finley is starting to realize, as she did with Hentietta, that this will not soon go away. That she is going to have to tollerate it or be miserable (and as we all know it is easier to get

over your beef than sit and dwell on the miserableness!) I have been trying to get Finley to hang out with us a bit more lately and she has started licking Owens toes. How cute is that? If you look closely you can see Finleys little tongue! What a great dog! Finley likes to stare out the window...maybe she is dreaming of a life somewhere where she is on a giant couch and there is an endless supply of dog treats and NO other animals or babies..just her momma and her! She loves me so much I am trying my best to incorporate her in our activities and walks. Sometimes it is just impossible. I think that in all the new adjustments she is doing very well though. Henrietta likes to torment her and play with her tail or try to get nose to nose with her. Sometimes Finley gets a bit huffy with her and other times she is really cool. This day was an exception because finley actually came up on the bed while there was already a whole sleu of choas going on. Normally she is very far from the action if she has anything to say about it. I guess she was just a bit lonley and wanted to see what was going on.

She and Henrietta were all but snuggled up together on the bed in just a few moments. That makes me smile. I promised Finley that I was done bringing new critters into the household

for a while. Outside is a different story. I need to get my landlord about the chicken coup!
1 comment:
You're just trying to make me cry aren't you?? i think i may have to make a trip out there before xmas! i haven't said anything to dad yet...but this is killing me! give my little 'o' a big hug and kiss for me....miss you all!!
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