Wow, okay so Owen had his 4 month wellness apt. yesterday. Guess how much he weighs? Give up? 17lbs 12oz and is 26". My has he grown. In the last couple of weeks he has turned from helpless infant to overly curious infant! There are so many milestones that we have come to. He was very unconsolable over Christmas and I was in denial that he may be teething. Not at 3 1/2 months that is way too early. Well, Owen has 2 teeth. That is right 2. He is also leaning how to use a sippy cup. That makes me really happy. I really wanted to skip the bottle phase all together. I think he is getting the hang of the cup. So far he has only had water in the cup, but he seems to enjoy water. I think that is pretty cool! No sugar added. He has also started cereal. That is a good time. Except for the times that he gets very angry and screams and I think he is going to start gagging on his food. It is still a time of learning and adjusting for both of us! He is doing really great though.
There are alot more pictures from the holidays that i will post randomly in order to catch up. I was feeling a bit overwhelmed at the thought of "catching up" so I am just going to do it when I have time. I figured it is better to just get back in the habbit of updating for you all to see!
don't worry . . . logan did all that fun stuff early too! i was in denial that he was hungry & teething, then when i gave in he was much happier and content. your little man is growing up so fast.
love you & miss you
Amy, you have some really cute pictures of my grandson. I really appreciate them. Thank you.
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