unfortunately Owen has not been the main attraction lately so I do not have many new pictures of him! (Unfortunately for all ya all-fortunately for me!) I forgot to mention that we are using disposable diapers on this trip and the picture of Owen in the previous post of him grabbing himself should make a bit more sense now!!! no he was not just grabbing himself for the hell of it! or at least i don't think so!! last night we checked out the Alamo and the River Walk. Ate dinner on the river and walked about town a bit. Nice city. street signs suck and the roads are really crazy. other than that the weather is fab. I think i got a bit of a sunburn today. (a bit exaggerated...i got a bit pink. not hard to do since i am pasty white!) I have not been able to do a whole lot since i have to pick the boys up at 11:30 everyday for lunch. We are far enough from downtown that as soon as i would get down there get parked and get to exploring i wouldn't have long. Tomorrow the school is taking them to lunch so i may go downtown for a gander.
The Sutton

It was actually the 171st anniversary at the Alamo. There was a "celebration" (for lack of better terms) over the weekend but we went on Tuesday so there was not much going on. And it was already closed by the time we got there.
Make sure you ask to see the basement of the Alamo while there. PeeWee Herman's bike is supposedly down there.
Don't drink the water in the river either. Have fun guys! Drink a Shiner Bock for me.
Texas too can be cool.
Ready for Cali?
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