we were playing with the ball and rolling it to owen when he discovered he could kick it up and play with it like a circus animal. What do you think, should we send him off with the circus?

Owen kisses, the greatest kisses of all!
Can you believe Owen is 3 http://www.myspace.com/onecreativemomma
I wondered if you folks were back. Everytime i look at the pictures I just ohhhh and ahhhh. He is such a beautiful baby. And so full of joy! (I guess you getting all the joy on that flight to PDX, but...)
Wonder how he'll like the train?
Give me a ring when you're out of the fog. :)
There is nothing better than the love from your child. Their kiss, their hugs . . . just wait til the first time he says, "i love you momma". you might cry (:
i love the ball trick, keep training him you never know . . . america's funniest home videos still gives out $$!
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