Friday, February 16, 2007

Rollin' over

What an exciting night, Owen rolled over. He rolled from the front to the back and then got stuck like a turtle on it's back. He tried to continue butwas getting very tired. There was so much build up for it...mike and I were laying on the floor and he was trying so hard to get us and pumping and pushing and....finally. He got us! I took Owen to Mikes work yesterday to show him off to all the girls, finally. I felt horrible that Owen is 5 months old now and I just got around to taking him in. Of course all the ladies loved him.

These cats are soo very in love!

I left my camera in the car so i will add more pictures later. The other day he was staring at me in the car with this "I am sooo very sleepy" look. (Of course I waited til I got to a stoplight to take a picture, mom! By the next light he was zonked!)

I love the expression on finleys face. "That thing is so wierd!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Owen is so adorable, I wish I could give him a kiss!

I know you both are enjoying him.