We put the crib up in my room yesterday to start transitioning him (and me) into sleeping in it. I put him in it to play a bit after we put it together. He enjoyed it! He took a couple of naps in it and did great. I didn't finish attaching the co-sleeper to my bed though and put him in the crib to sleep last night. I was not a fan of him not being visible from my bed. He has been waking up in the middle of the night again lately so I had to get up and try to coax himback to sleep. I think once he is sleeping through the night again I will be better with him sleeping in the crib. Until then...naps in the crib night time in the co-sleeper.
OK amy....I know you are a wonderful momma and you want to keep owen close to you....but i DON'T THINK YOU will fit in the crib!!! (re-read your text!!) :-)
can't wait to get out of this winter weather! see you saturday!! LY!!
did you ever think it would be so hard to just be a few feet away from someone?! we started having logan overnight in the crib about this age . . . it was soooo hard on me. logan wanted to be with me too. it's hard, but it has to be done. . . trust me its easier now then when they're older! miss you!
sorry about your bears mike . . . i told you it was peyton's year!
It looks like you are having a great time with Owen. I am rooting for you and the crib situation, because it is a tough one. Eldon is almost 2 and still wants to nurse at 2 in the morning.... and 5 in the morning. So, we let him sleep in his toddler bed until we go to bed and then bring him with us. I keep thinking one night he will just stay asleep until morning. But that might mean we have to leave him in his bed. I can feel all of the eyes rolling out there :) I loved your photo shoot pics. Excellent job. And I checked Astoria on the map. It must be so completely different then the E. Coast. At least it looks that way in pictures.
Keep in touch!
The middle crib picture is perfect! It's like Owen's crib style "senior picture pose". I love it!
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