I made Owen a pair of pants this morning! I think they are pretty snazzy...only they need a bit of altering! Next pair will hopefully be a bit better. Oh well...a long shirt and no one will ever know!

We had a very busy and productive weekend. I found some great ornamental grasses on Craigsl

ist and we went and dug them up and trans

planted them in our front and side yard. Here is proof! Also my friend Becky that is movi

ng to San Fran gave me a bunch of her plants so we spent some time digging and making all those plants happy too. (Thanks Becky! I love them and it was fun planting!) Here is the planter on the front porch...it isnt going anywhere. I retacked it with a bunch of nails and it is solid again!
Thanks G.

G. Jean for the jammies you made Owen. He just wants to play peek-a-boo

with the gown! It is really soft though and he loves it.
I also got my tattoo finished! Just in time for spring!
Wow. It has been a long time since I bave been on the blog. I've neglected it since becoming your myspace friend. These pictures are great, especially the tattoo and chicks pictures. That tie dye is great against the bright light.
Anywho, love the grass, keep it up! Can't wait to see the garden grow. (And that little babe sproutin' teeth too)
1. i have never seen a pic of your house! VERY cute! Beautiful grass Mike (: 2. Love the pants - Logan said he wants a pair, but in green(:
3. BEAUTIFUL arm Amy Leigh!! and 4. I can see Owen's personality starting to really come out in his pics! Adorable!
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