So normally I could give a rats ass about football. I do however normally like to watch the superbowl, normally for the comercials and excitement of it all. I do not know or care much about any teams so could care less about who wins. Well the beginning of this football season Mike called it. He said that it was going to be Colts and Bears. Funny, I am from Indiana and he is from Chicago. (for those of you wh

o do not know) So there has been a bit or taunting going on in the household, moreso on his part. He found a picture of Rex Grossman and hung it in the co-sleeper.
So I in turn hung it on the toilet!
Then returned to the co-sleeper.
yeah, we'll see. VOODOO, baby!
Rex is actually a hoosier! and his parents are huge colts fans!! going to be interesting in that household too!! bears are the underdogs in this game though! colts all the way!!
love ya! Gma Bobbie (also not normally a sports fan!)
wow. look at you pullin out the football trivia mom!
I must say Mike isn't the only Darfler with the power to see the future. I predicted that if I move to California then the Bears will win the Super Bowl! I have upheld my end of that deal so I will await Lovie's official "thank you" Sunday night when he's holding the Lombardi Trophy! Go Bears! I see it as just taken one for the team...
i see how it is. Gonna get nasty, Mike? well then after all that deprogramming the best he can do is chicago? Where they say sacks and pop. You can not even fight your own battle you gotta rally the troops? Alright then bring it on. ANY HOOSIERS OUT THERE? SPEAK UP!!Show those bears fans how we stick together. We do not take being made fun of lightly!
by the way, hi heather. good to hear from you. how's cali?
wow. who knew hippies could care so much about football. :) i only watch football to remind me of my grandma, believe it or not, but I AM A HOOSIER. So...DOWN WITH THE BEARS, uh, i guess.
threats now? what's next mike?
alright....we can get the indiana family in on this too if you really think it is necessary!! but i think we are pretty sure of who is going to be 'top dog' this sunday! wooohooo..... go colts!
also...did you know that one of the bears players is from SHERIDAN???? (whoa...where did that come from??)
um , yes i know but i got to go ask jessica again what the name is..like brayton or something like that ...carrie ..the great auntie to the cutest little owen michael
they HAVE to! their son is on THAT team...but they KNOW who is really going to win! they havne't missed a colts game in 20 years! and they still won't...it WILL BE A COLTS GAME ALL THE WAY!!
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