Thursday, November 02, 2006

This is another great site to purchase wood and cloth toys from. three sisters toys
As I find sights for things that I like for Owen I will continue to pass them along.

1 comment:

Tabitha and Larry said...

Hi Amy
Thank you for your comments. I appreciate when people leave them too, it's true it does encourage me to keep posting. Owen is so beautiful! You seem to be doing a wonderful job taking care of him and choosing the very best for him. I am thankful for your insight and links to earth and people friendly baby toys. We too try consider all of these things when purchasing toys for Eldon. It's the realtives gifts that I can't figure out what to do with. I was impressed by your list for yours. Very smart.

We love you and you are always in our thoughts. In a few weeks when the busy holiday time slows down for us I want to call you to catch up. Email me your number. It would be fun to here your voice and here about everything - the birth and living with a baby and so on.