Monday, March 01, 2010

I have No idea why that posted 2 times. but it's good enough to see twice. And I don't care to take the time to edit and delete!!ENJOY!

There are more to come with this series. this is just to frickin funny. We ran into our friend TJ today and he is the one who gave owen this hat. So when we got home he had to go find the hat to wear it. He LOVES TJ. He isn't really used to wearing hats like this and I just happen to catch it in the perfect moment.

Friday, February 26, 2010

cookies for breakfast

When we woke up the other day the first words out of Owens mouth were lets make cookies!!The problem was I promised him the night before that we would make cookies but he got tired and grumpy so I was sort of obligated to make cookies. So cookies for breakfast it was! (Then he went to Mikes!!!!)

Owens new room

lots of dust and labor but it was well worth it.

so serious

I love this face


my latest creation....super capes....with vegetables! and of course icecream and cupcakes too....any other ideas? I am going to make a chicken one and maybe a goat. (think I will have to keep the goat for myself though..never too old for playing super hero)

self entertained...

Owen was helping me the other day. Entertaining himself while I worked on his room. It was VERY helpful accept the huge mess he made. he took everything out of the toy box...then climbed in it.

I love the way he is sitting with his leg crossed reading. He was sitting like that the other day at school reading when I came to pick him up. I think it's so very gentleman of him.

Friday, December 04, 2009

i will figure this out...i promise.

let me know how this works folks. I am trying to cut down my time on uploading and updating. But I know some of you don't do facebook so still want to keep this going. I promise soon I will get back to a rhythm! love you all hope everyone had a great thansksgiving.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009


Ok. so click on the link below to be directed to my facebook photo album. I don't think you need to have a facebook acct to view it. but i am not sure

facebook album test

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween and Fall festivities

When asked what he wanted to be for Halloween owen said a FIRETRUCK. I suggested maybe a fireman...he said no. insisted he must be a FIRETRUCK. So here it is. Lots of spray paint, duct tape and cleverness. (i.e. the headlights are outlet covers!)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


tying shoes

"is this right mama?"

too hip

our friend violet left her headband at our house and Owen is using it as "sunglasses" Good thing he has never seen star trek! He may actually think they were real

Owen reading the New York Times

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


more to come for sure, however here are a few videos of owen opening presents from grandma and cousins nathan and emily aunt dae and uncle brad. Thanks guys. Owen slept with his fireman hat and belt and ax last night!